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Shaksham Foundation is an effort by a group of youngsters to develop Society. We aim to boost self-confidence among children and youth by imparting knowledge. Training and affiliation for leading life with dignity.

Shaksham Foundation is a non-profit organization  Registered under the Bombay public charitable trust F/21847/A’bad and under Society Act Reg. No. GUJ/22263/A’bad.

At Shaksham Foundation, our core vision is to create, build, nurture, and sustain the human’s social life, and nature’s Eco-system by addressing the core challenges through education & development and discovering a newer and healthier way to live life.

Continuous research and development define the potential areas which help us to find the right approach for right at the right time.

Foundation’s vision is to serve humans with a humane approach. Education, Health, and Healing are our core focus through which Society and nation can prosper in a better and sustained way.


Foundation vision is to serve the human with humanity approach. Education, Health and Healing is in our core focus through which Society and nation can prosper in a better and sustained way.


Our Mission is to provide maximum number of under privileged Children and bringing sustainable changes in their lives through education.

Our grass route efforts and engaging concepts are helping to achieve our objective in stated endeavouring areas. Our foundation improves the lives of the needy people, expand opportunities and helping the societies to raise standard of life. We also care for the women to develop , prepare educationally & Socially capable for their lives. Fostering a society wherein women are empowered enough to add value to their family and Society. We also provide relief during any natural calamity like flood, volcanic eruption, tsunami, earthquakes etc.

Women and children are the worst affected victims of natural disasters.


Your donation will make a real impact on the lives of the underprivileged children...