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Future School

“Success is a first generation student learning to hold a pencil or making it to university with thousands of privileged ones”

Empowering Underprivileged Kids Free Education Ahmedabad

In 2009, India introduced the Right to Education Act (RTE), ensuring free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14. However, thousands of children still remain out of school, living on the streets and vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.

At Shaksham Foundation in Ahmedabad, we are committed to changing this reality. We provide underprivileged children with access to quality education, life skills, and emotional support—all at no cost. Our mission is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and realize their full potential, leaving no one behind.

Education is a fundamental right, yet millions of children are deprived of it. Shaksham Foundation in Ahmedabad empowers underprivileged children with quality education, enabling them to escape poverty, secure jobs, and uplift their families and communities.

Our Program's

Self Help Groups

As a renowned women empowerment NGO, Shaksham Foundation understands the value of counselling where the expert can identify the societal trauma that the women are going through and find a way out with encouragement and motivation. Women have to be psychologically strong to stand for them against all odds and if they are mothers, they have to achieve empowerment faster. By attending the Self-help groups, the leadership qualities among marginalized women are often increased.

Livelihood Training

Having a steady income with a sound career can be the one and only solution for woman empowerment. However, at Shaksham Foundation we know that not every woman is capable of achieving higher positions or getting a job. Instead, we encourage them with soft skill training like mattress making, beautician courses, and leather bag making to earn with their own abilities.

Moments of Strength and Achievement

Contribute to the Empowerment of Future Generations: Support the Upliftment of Underprivileged Children and Help Build a Brighter Future for Our Society. Donate to Us Now!